Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tour de France 2015: Five Africans at least on the starting line

The start of the Tour the France 2015 will be given on 04 July. This Tuesday, the only team from the Continent will take part in the competition announced its list of runners. It is composed of five (5) African runners. 

For his first on the Tour, the African continent will be well represented. Both quantitatively and qualitatively. The South African team MTN-Qhubeka is indeed the first African team to be invited to the Tour de France.On Tuesday, she communicated the list of its riders. They are nine in number (9) and among them are five (5) African runners. These Eritreans and Daniel Teklehaimanot Merhani Kudus and South African Louis Meintjes, Jacques Janse van Rensburg and Reinardt Janse van Rensburg. The attraction of the MTN-Quubeka team is obviously the Eritrean Daniel Teklehaiamanot, recent best climber of the Tour du Dauphiné. The latter praised by the specialist press is eagerly awaited on the Tour de France in 2015.
This year 2015 is perhaps the first year for Africa. First team to take part in the Tour de France and also first African rider to win a stage. Fingers crossed the pedals or rather the start of the Tour de France 2015 will be given on 04 July. This Tuesday, the only team from the Continent will take part in the competition announced its list of runners. It is composed of five (5) African runners.

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